Five centuries of history, many anecdotes and secrets handed down from generation to generation, a single great Passion: the white art .... the production of Pasta di Gragnano!
The Hilltop surrounding town, right on the crossroad of Amalfi and Pompeii, overlooking the Gulf of Sorrento and Naples, since 1500 along the “Vernotico” river in the heart of the extraordinary “Valley of the Mills”. More than 30 small buildings in tuff stone, moved by the only strength of water from the ancient sources in Gragnano. Mills are still functioning today, grinding the best selection of durum wheat semolina. An extraordinary scent arise from the ancient valley to the main streets. The milling skill of the Gragnano masters will be able to transform their knowledge into the true white art of Gragnano. In the early years of the eighteenth century, small factories began to be born, the first macaroni company! In very short time, all the ability to produce the best macaroni in the Kingdom emerged, even celebrated by the most important royal families, everyone wanted Gragnano pasta. The “Pastai” di Gragnano, found in ancient secrets handed down by parents and grandparents, also excelled in creating new and exciting shapes.
Only in Gragnano it was possible to have dry winds from the mountains, mixing together with the humid ones from the sea. It creates a perfect microclimate for drying pasta in the best possible way; thanks to the characteristic construction of the eighteenth-century buildings, the winds were channeled along the road, drying the pasta spread out on the outdoor
benches with a gentle caress.
In 1845 there were 110 pasta factories in Gragnano, and “our Macaroni” were already world leaders in exports. Meanwhile, the Gragnano pasta factories competed with each other in proudly displaying on the labels the numerous gold medals won in the international competitions of the time. Europe, America, Australia, the now so famous “wooden crates” of Pasta di Gragnano were sent everywhere!
After 500 years of history, Gragnano is still the Pasta Capital of the World, a leadership recognized for its extraordinary and inimitable quality, also protected with the important IGP recognition.
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Informativa al consumatore finale ai sensi della circolare Ministero della Salute del 20/12/2021 sul tema "semi di senape".
Rendiamo noto che la nostra azienda, nell'ambito della massima tutela e garanzia di qualità verso il consumatore finale, ha adottato già dallo scorso luglio 2021, la dicitura precauzionale in etichetta "può contenere tracce di senape". Con riferimento invece alla clientela al dettaglio (negozi), nel caso abbiano presenza a scaffale di prodotti antecedenti luglio 2021, si raccomanda informare il consumatore mediante avviso/locandina da esporre all'interno del punto vendita. Precisiamo che continueremo ad adottare tutte le misure preventive utili a ridurre la presenza involontaria di allergeni nel prodotto finito.